All manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor, Humanitics, Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati-413102. The Journal is devoted to humanities and social sciences and gives preference to articles of general and contemporary significance which are well organized. The journal encourages researchers to publish their articles which have not been published earlier or which are not sent for consideration simultaneously to any other publisher. The contributor/author must agree that once the article is accepted by this journal, it will not be published simultaneously elsewhere. Manuscripts of all types of journals are required to be submitted online with a scanned copy of letter of request for publishing the same in our journal. (Format available on the website).

The receipt of the article would be sent immediately. All the papers received would be first analyzed by the editorial board and then would be sent for detailed blind review to the subject experts. If the article is not found suitable, it will be returned to the authors. The authors of the accepted articles will be communicated accordingly. After the blind review, if there are any corrections or clarification required, the same would be communicated to the author/authors. It would the author’s responsibility to acknowledge the sources of illustrations and other materials which are reproduced from various sources. The reproductions and sources must be properly credited and it would be author’s responsibility to obtain permission for such reproduction. The copies of letters of permission should be sent to the editor.

Declaration for Observing Ethics in Research Publication
The contributing authors are requested to copy the declaration for observing ethics in research publication available on the website and it should be attached with letter of request for publishing the article. This declaration must be signed by the author/co-authors.

Types of Manuscripts
The contributing authors should note that the articles should not exceed 6000 words. The authors should clearly mention the type of article as General Article, Research Article (including the use of primary and secondary data analysis), Research Review Article, Book review or correspondence etc. The word limit for the Research Review article and Book review would be 1500 words. Book review articles should be analytical and not just an expansion of contents.

General Instructions for Manuscript Writing
1. The manuscript must be in MS-Word format and it must double space with one inch margin in all sides.
2. The font should be Times New Roman, Font size 12, Black.
3. The first page of the paper should contain the Category of the article, Title of the article, Names of the authors and full address of the institutions for correspondence including email addresses.
4. Authors must acknowledge the organizations that have provided financial support for their work.
5. Any other conflict of interest must be declared while submitting the manuscripts.
6. Tables and figures should be numbered as Table no.1/Figure no.1 and so on.
7. All charts, graphs and calculations should be in black font and not in color.
8. The journal usually discourages the use of images.
9. The authors should not make use of too many italics or quotations.
10. Only the cited references should be included at the end of the paper and their number shouldn’t be more than 20 per paper. The references must follow APA/MLA style of referencing. (Please see www.
11. Primary Heading should be in CAPITAL form and boldface and the sub heading should be in Title Case (First Letter of Each Word in Capital) and bold.
12. The final draft would be subject to editorial amendments to suit the journal’s requirement.
13. Apart from above, if there are any specific queries, the authors can get in touch with the Editor at the address given on the website.
14. Manuscript should be mailed in soft copy on the mail id.- / /

Click Here To Download the Guidelines for Paper Submission

Publisher Information
Publishing Body
Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce(Autonomous), Baramati.
Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce(Autonomous), Baramati. Pin. 413102, Dist- Pune , Maharashtra , India.
Editor in Chief
Dr. Avinash Jagtap Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce(Autonomous), Baramati.
Email :

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